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Shieldbot balance

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3/4/2015 1:33:48 PMSErankLobHunter before revert after revert
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1 To address what GoogleFrog mentioned, I fully agree with how the energy works right now, with the notable exception that shield bots can get FREE shield recharge. I am not suggesting to make recharge rate ridiculous or damaging to economy, just not free! Right now a group of 4-5 thugs nullifies effects of 2 wolverines completely, was that intentional? I mean, if at least they would drain like 1 energy per thug for recharge, -5 energy is quite costly to keep them just standing in the artillery. Right now they can just stand there and give literally zero fucks. 1 To address what GoogleFrog mentioned, I fully agree with how the energy works right now, with the notable exception that shield bots can get FREE shield recharge. I am not suggesting to make recharge rate ridiculous or damaging to economy, just not free! Right now a group of 4-5 thugs nullifies effects of 2 wolverines completely, was that intentional? I mean, if at least they would drain like 1 energy per thug for recharge, -5 energy is quite costly to keep them just standing in the artillery. Right now they can just stand there and give literally zero fucks.
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2 Similarly, having >1 aspis in Felon ball is counter-productive, since all it does is eat energy, while thugs give you free recharge => that sounds natural to you? I would imagine that the proper way is bigger shield => more capacity, smaller shiled => less capacity, but regen cost should be roughly the same for all of them. 3 Similarly, having >1 aspis in Felon ball is counter-productive, since all it does is eat energy, while thugs give you free recharge => that sounds natural to you? I would imagine that the proper way is bigger shield => more capacity, smaller shiled => less capacity, but regen cost should be roughly the same for all of them.
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3 If you do not think that small shileds should drain => make personal cloak free! 5 If you do not think that small shileds should drain => make personal cloak free!
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7 As far as laser weapon drain is concerned it is just a fun element of the game, and again the drain does not have to be huge, just would be fun if e.g. razors would stop firing when you e-stall after someone has blown up your singu farm=) That would also be nice touch on returning bombers=) This already works on radars AFAIK and is quite nice, so why not do it on lazors too? This could be done for static units only initially to see how it goes.