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Shieldbot balance

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/4/2015 5:10:49 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 5:06:43 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 5:03:45 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 5:02:29 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 4:58:57 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 4:56:33 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
3/4/2015 4:54:58 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
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1 [quote]@GoogleFrog 1 [quote]@GoogleFrog
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3 When is cloaking really powerful? When there is not much about and your opponent is spread thin. 3 When is cloaking really powerful? When there is not much about and your opponent is spread thin.
4 When does that happen? At the start of the game. 4 When does that happen? At the start of the game.
5 What does energy drain do? Make things more powerful towards the end of the game. 5 What does energy drain do? Make things more powerful towards the end of the game.
6 Why is that? Because you pay less for energy when you can make larger power plants.[/quote] 6 Why is that? Because you pay less for energy when you can make larger power plants.[/quote]
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8 thats well understood. it applies to shields as well, not because things are thinly spread but because autorepairing units are stronger when there are few/weak units. insofar it is a balance issue. 8 thats well understood. it applies to shields as well, not because things are thinly spread but because autorepairing units are stronger when there are few/weak units. insofar it is a balance issue.
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10 the math you did on the thug&aspis shows that thugs are more efficient when looking purely at the regen rates already, but the unit does more things than that. the shield also isnt clearly worse than an aspis shield, it has some pros like you cant walk under it as easily, harder to hit, ... 10 the math you did on the thug&aspis shows that thugs are more efficient when looking purely at the regen rates already, but the unit does more things than that. the shield also isnt clearly worse than an aspis shield, it has some pros like you cant walk under it as easily, harder to hit, ...
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12 what would make more sense in my opinion is to look at the primary function of a unit and then look at the shield and what it costs. thugs without their shield or more precicely without shield regen would only be a slightly underpowered unit for cost (also shields that cant be repaired in any way would be shitty) - for convicts it is an even bigger bonus, without their shield or without regen they still would still be ok con units. 12 what would make more sense in my opinion is to look at the primary function of a unit and then look at the shield and what it costs. thugs without their shield or more precicely without shield regen would only be a slightly underpowered unit for cost (also shields that cant be repaired in any way would be shitty) - for convicts it is an even bigger bonus, without their shield or without regen they still would still be ok con units.
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14 the felon example i mentioned because it shows how your cons can be used as a source of extra damage, and how big that bonus really is. @[kf3in]C21 uses cons + naked felon a lot, he can basically do whatever with his cons while the felon deals the damage ( and has a lot of battery power to do so) . 14 the felon example i mentioned because it shows how your cons can be used as a source of extra damage, and how big that bonus really is. @[kf3in]C21 uses cons + naked felon a lot, he can basically do whatever with his cons while the felon deals the damage ( and has a lot of battery power to do so) . in the start of game scenario, you get extra firepower from cons that you already have, while extra firepower for people with regular cons is unavailable.