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please list your balance problems/solutions.. even if they are 'do nothing'.

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Post edit history
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3/24/2015 4:55:12 AMUSrankaeonios before revert after revert
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1 @Aquanim re sea: I'd not considered that very much, but a more interesting water map is a definite possibility. Wrt to the many complicated special 'anti' types, I definitely agree. 1 @Aquanim re sea: I'd not considered that very much, but a more interesting water map is a definite possibility. Wrt to the many complicated special 'anti' types, I definitely agree.
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3 Also, tridents are utter garbage. No aoe, slow as dirt, not great dps, basically get killed by ravens without the need for anything fancy like hawks or swifts when trident is supposed to be AA. You're literally better off just spamming rapiers, which seem to be slowly shifting into the GS equivalent of the raven. I also reiterate the general sentiment regarding lack of air diversity, lack of real capships, overly hard AA counters, etc. 3 Also, tridents are utter garbage. No aoe, slow as dirt, not great dps, basically get killed by ravens without the need for anything fancy like hawks or swifts when trident is supposed to be AA. You're literally better off just spamming rapiers, which seem to be slowly shifting into the GS equivalent of the raven. I also reiterate the general sentiment regarding lack of air diversity, lack of real capships, overly hard AA counters, etc.
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6 @Faelthas : I kind of agree about the panther/tanks fac. Panthers used to be fairly strong, but given how expensive they are they get killed a bit too easily and now are practically too wimpy to kill mexes. Tank fac also gets burned pretty hard by skirms, esp moderators, which are practically a hard counter to the whole fac.