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Automation tools

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/28/2015 4:59:20 AMATrankhokomoko before revert after revert
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1 @[TL]Beamer Having widgets introduces new skill points to the game - if you code better widgets, you win more. 1 @[TL]Beamer Having widgets introduces new skill points to the game - if you code better widgets, you win more games.
2 This sounds silly, because not every player will write widgets, but that's not very different compared to the many players who will never reach high APM. 2 This sounds silly, because not every player will write widgets, but that's not very different compared to the many players who will never reach high APM.
3 \n 3 \n
4 More skill points isn't necessarily better, automation allows to narrow the skill points to have a more specialised game (more choices, less clicking). 4 More skill points isn't necessarily better, automation allows to narrow the skill points to have a more specialised game (more choices, less clicking).
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6 Obviously, widgets should be shared in order to remove the coding skill point (I've shared mine). 6 Obviously, widgets should be shared in order to remove the coding skill point (I've shared mine).