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Automation tools

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/28/2015 7:08:41 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
7/28/2015 7:07:30 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
7/28/2015 7:04:45 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]Furthermore, if a game has "redundant" tasks, they are there for the player to do.[/quote] 1 [quote]Furthermore, if a game has "redundant" tasks, they are there for the player to do.[/quote]
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3 But I play games to have fun :( I don't want to perform quicktime chores.. 3 But I play games to have fun :( I don't want to perform quicktime chores..
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5 [quote]If players just use a widget to handle a redundant task, then why is that task even in the game?[/quote] 5 [quote]If players just use a widget to handle a redundant task, then why is that task even in the game?[/quote]
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7 My choice of example: ore extractors from C&C. They are automated to mine and return to refinery. 7 My choice of example: ore extractors from C&C. They are automated to mine and return to refinery.
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9 Why is the task in the game? Because it makes resource income vunerable 9 Why is the task in the game? Because it makes resource income vunerable
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11 Why is the task automated? Because clicking on ore and refinery repeatedly to cause mining is not entertaining. 11 Why is the task automated? Because clicking on ore and refinery repeatedly to cause mining is not entertaining.
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13 The way I see it, the more humdrum you automate the more players can focus on interesting plays. I want to turn my intentions into ingame commands with the minimum amount of interaction with the controls, so I can spend more time thinking about strategy and less time thinking "click this click that click this click that Z Key click this click that G Key click this click that. . " 13 The way I see it, the more humdrum you automate the more players can focus on interesting plays. I want to turn my intentions into ingame commands with the barest minimum aof interaction with the controls, so I can spend more time thinking about strategy and less time thinking "click this click that click this click that Z Key click this click that G Key click this click that. . "