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Elo Calculation for (Team) FFA currently wrong?

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12/10/2015 1:55:17 PMDErankBrackman before revert after revert
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1 This is only possible by giving teams different income multiplicators ( or similar things) . It is not meant to be the normal way to play, but can be a good option when people with high skill differerence play 1v1 or FFA. At least it is nice to see that such a generalization is possible ( not having to set noelo when playing with handicap) . 1 You can. But this is only possible by giving teams different income multiplicators ( or similar things) . It is not meant to be the normal way to play, but can be a good option when people with high skill differerence play 1v1 or FFA. At least it is nice to see that such a generalization is possible ( not having to set noelo when playing with handicap) .