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Let's discuss spider raider unit

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9/12/2016 2:35:49 PMPLrankZenfur before revert after revert
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1 So I've noticed that spiders are really lackluster on some maps (mostly flat ones). This is not that bad considering their stamp ability is being all-terrain and conquesting mountains, but I think this could be smoothened out by introducing spider raiders. 1 So I've noticed that spiders are really lackluster on some maps (mostly flat ones). This is not that bad considering their stamp ability is being all-terrain and conquesting mountains, but I think this could be smoothened out by introducing spider raiders.
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3 Let's be honest - fleas does shitty job trying to raid anything, it's a scout. So argument: they dont need one because they have fleas, is invalid. 3 Let's be honest - flea does shitty job trying to raid anything - it's a scout. So argument: they dont need one because they have fleas, is invalid.
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5 I was imagining a pyro-speed 140~metal-ish unit with 150% flea range, double enhanced flea lasers mounted in its jaw-legs (rising them to fire) with about 240 dps (twin lasers 60 dmg/hit/0.5s). ~350 hp. Size a bit smaller (80% size) than venom, model based on this cutie: 5 I was imagining a pyro-speed 140~metal-ish unit with 150% flea range, double enhanced flea lasers mounted in its jaw-legs (rising them to fire) with about 240 dps (twin lasers 60 dmg/hit/0.5s). ~350 hp. Size a bit smaller (80% size) than venom, model based on this cutie:
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7 [img]https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/sRDL4JLklFOjXxU-XkHgAemYQi8=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3920196/Spider%201.gif[/img] 7 [img]https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/sRDL4JLklFOjXxU-XkHgAemYQi8=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3920196/Spider%201.gif[/img]
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9 Probably numbers I gave out of the blue are not ready and good balance, I provided them to make a better picture of such unit. 9 Probably numbers I gave out of the blue are not ready and good balance, I provided them to make a better picture of such unit.