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Post edit history

The humans are dead!

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/12/2016 9:47:12 PMATrankhokomoko before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:42:05 PMATrankhokomoko before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:39:09 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:38:38 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:37:44 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:36:40 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 9:20:25 PMATrankhokomoko before revert after revert
9/12/2016 5:22:12 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 5:21:41 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
9/12/2016 5:21:24 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
Before After
1 There needs to be a way to block non-admins from editing specific posts to prevent this sort of fuckery. Other than locking the thread or forum muting someone. 1 There needs to be a way to block non-admins from editing specific posts to prevent this sort of fuckery. Other than locking the thread or forum muting someone.
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3 [color=red]Agreed, it's called a forum ban and you have just received 6 minutes of it as an example of how it works 3 [color=red]Forum muting works brilliantly. You have just received a few minutes of it as an example of its effectiveness.
4 - hoko[/color] 4 - hoko[/color]
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