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Let's discuss spider raider unit

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9/14/2016 1:00:51 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
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1 I have used a gunship switch to good effect on water maps; a handful of Banshees can ruin the opponent's economy, since Urchins are far less effective than Lotus/Defender against air. 1 I have used a gunship switch to good effect on water maps; a handful of Banshees can ruin the opponent's economy, since Urchins are far less effective than Lotus/Defender against air.
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3 As a main combat force I agree that gunship is lacking at sea, but it is not obvious to me what to do about that. I think the entirety of sea design could use some thinking about. 3 As a main combat force I agree that gunship is lacking at sea, but it is not obvious to me what to do about that. I think the entirety of sea design could use some thinking about.
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5 We're getting away from the point of this thread though.