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I feel like rezzurecting mechanics is a bit obscure and confusing for noobs, as only 2 units can do it, many don't know about it and nobody uses it. Imho it should be embraced or removed. Personally I'd like to see an experiment where rezzing costs much more energy and is faster, allowing it to be aside overdrive more interesting "economic victory" than in BA building metal converters.
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I feel like rezzurecting mechanics is a bit obscure and confusing for noobs, as only 2 units can do it, many don't know about it and nobody uses it. Imho it should be embraced or removed. Personally I'd like to see an experiment where rezzing costs much more energy and is faster, allowing it to be aside overdrive more interesting "economic victory" than in BA building metal converters.
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2 units being commander and Athene, hint: it's more efficient to build athenes, apart from first commander. Yet they get very close at 3th-4th upgrade and commander has a gun and more hp :)
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2 units being commander and Athene, hint: it's more efficient to build athenes, apart from first commander. Yet they get very close at 3th-4th upgrade and commander has a gun and more hp :)