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Planetwars Testing

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Post edit history
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3/26/2018 2:25:04 PMATrankhokomoko before revert after revert
Before After
1 There's this issue with VP victory that it lacks a finale, a reward for investing the time. 1 There's this issue with VP victory that it lacks a finale, a reward for investing the time.
2 Think of it like adding a rule to ZK that the first team to make 10k metal will win and the game will just stop (without the enemy units exploding even). That sounds awful. 2 Think of it like adding a rule to ZK that the first team to make 10k metal will win and the game will just stop (without the enemy units exploding even). That sounds awful.
3 The fact that battles were still going on (and even won by the other team) after PW was already decided and after it already ended, makes it feel like PW is not about the battles. And PW should damn well be about the battles, we're not playing Civilization. 3 The fact that battles were still going on (and even won by the other team) after PW was already decided and after it already ended, makes it feel like PW is not about the battles. And PW should damn well be about the battles, we're not playing Civilization.
4 The domination victory of taking the enemy capital is pretty good. In the previous PW, we made some fun last ditch effort to save the day. They failed, but they were a good way to end PW. 4 The domination victory of taking the enemy capital is pretty good. In the previous PW, we made some fun last ditch efforts to save the day. They failed, but they were a good way to end PW.
5 \n 5 \n
6 I have some half-baked ideas of making victory points about victories, rather than artifacts. 6 I have some half-baked ideas of making victory points about victories, rather than artifacts.