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Planetwars Testing

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/27/2018 12:44:23 PMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
3/27/2018 11:12:39 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
Before After
1 I've been thinking that defenders have all those cool ingame weapons like free drone spawners or advradar (garrison and interception grid respectively), and income from the eco buildings. 1 I've been thinking that defenders have all those cool ingame weapons like free drone spawners or advradar (garrison and interception grid respectively), and income from the eco buildings.
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3 It would be cool if attackers also had *some* weapons, but those were distinct and not usable for defending. 3 It would be cool if attackers also had *some* weapons, but those were distinct and not usable for defending.
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5 So here's my idea: [b]Local offensive weapons[/b] 5 So here's my idea: [b]Local offensive weapons[/b]
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7 These are structures that you can build. Each has a targeting option like the old planetbuster, etc, but they can only target planets in limited range - say, at most 2 links away. 7 These are structures that you can build. Each has a targeting option like the old planetbuster, etc, but they can only target planets in limited range - say, at most 2 links away.
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9 Game mechanics wise, these project threat, but don't help defend. So they are excellent targets for preventive defense warp sorties. 9 Game mechanics wise, these project threat, but don't help defend. So they are excellent targets for preventive defense warp sorties.
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11 When activated and targeting a planet, they place a "token" similar to dropships in orbit. This can look like a bomber if icons are rare, because currently bombers can't be in orbit anyway. 11 When activated and targeting a planet, they place a "token" similar to dropships in orbit. This can look like a bomber if icons are rare, because currently bombers can't be in orbit anyway.
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13 This token is used up if an attack by the token-owning faction happens on that planet, and replenished on the next economy turn. 13 This token is used up if an attack by the token-owning faction happens on that planet, and replenished on the next economy turn ( or maybe once per several turns) .
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15 There can only be one token per structure, but e.g. if you have a stack of similar structures targeting the same planet, you could get multiple activations of their ability, or use it several times per turn otherwise. 15 There can only be one token per structure, but e.g. if you have a stack of similar structures targeting the same planet, you could get multiple activations of their ability, or use it several times per turn otherwise.
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17 If an attack happens while the token is present, the attackers spawn with a Comms Beacon structure that allows them to use activable abilities depending on the type of the token in orbit. If there are multiple tokens, the Comms Beacon provides access to them all. Mainly this is for implementation and UI convenience; the abilities could just as well be global. 17 If an attack happens while the token is present, the attackers spawn with a Comms Beacon structure that allows them to use activable abilities depending on the type of the token in orbit. If there are multiple tokens, the Comms Beacon provides access to them all. Mainly this is for implementation and UI convenience; the abilities could just as well be global.
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19 The ingame abilities should have cooldowns; that is. if you have a stack of several tokens of the same type, you can't just use them all immediately. I imagine these cooldowns being on the order of 30s to 3 minutes. Abilities could be pre-charged, or have to charge from zero. 19 The ingame abilities should have cooldowns; that is. if you have a stack of several tokens of the same type, you can't just use them all immediately. I imagine these cooldowns being on the order of 30s to 3 minutes. Abilities could be pre-charged, or have to charge from zero.
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21 Losing the Comms Beacon means the abilities cannot be used anymore, all tokens are wasted. 21 Losing the Comms Beacon means the abilities cannot be used anymore, all tokens are wasted.
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23 Examples of ingame abilities that i imagine accessible this way would be: 23 Examples of ingame abilities that i imagine accessible this way would be:
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25 1) Scanner Sweep. Upon activation, a target area is revealed for a while. This already exists in code, so should be easy-ish to wire up. 25 1) Scanner Sweep. Upon activation, a target area is revealed for a while. This already exists in code, so should be easy-ish to wire up.
26 2) Orbital Bombardment. Upon activation, a reasonably slow-moving projectile impacts a target location anywhere on the map. I envision this having about Concussion Shell or Shock Rifle power. At most a single (but precise) Bertha shot. 26 2) Orbital Bombardment. Upon activation, a reasonably slow-moving projectile impacts a target location anywhere on the map. I envision this having about Concussion Shell or Shock Rifle power. At most a single (but precise) Bertha shot.
27 3) Supply Drop. Crates of reclaimable metal shipped to desired location. Minor damage may occur to units in target area if it's not cleared. 27 3) Supply Drop. Crates of reclaimable metal shipped to desired location. Minor damage may occur to units in target area if it's not cleared.
28 4) Biopod. Drops a bunch of chickens somewhere on the map, with some spread. Chickens attack random things, like usual. They do not reproduce. (or do they?) 28 4) Biopod. Drops a bunch of chickens somewhere on the map, with some spread. Chickens attack random things, like usual. They do not reproduce. (or do they?)
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