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Commander Strategies?

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5/2/2018 9:57:59 PMSErankPLT_Godde before revert after revert
5/2/2018 9:50:50 PMSErankPLT_Godde before revert after revert
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1 I have to disagree about some maps Saktoth. On large flat maps like [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/55646]Comet Catcher Redux[/url], that are dominated by vehicles(Rovers, Hovercraft or Tanks), the commander should stay in the base. The commander simply cannot keep up with your army and becomes more of a liability that needs to be protected as large raiding forces might swarm him. 1 I have to disagree about some maps Saktoth. On large flat maps like [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/55646]Comet Catcher Redux[/url], that are dominated by vehicles(Rovers, Hovercraft or Tanks), the commander should stay in the base. The commander simply cannot keep up with your army and becomes more of a liability that needs to be protected as large raiding forces might swarm him.
2 Also Rover, Hovercraft and Tank constructors are significantly faster than Commanders, so Commanders will basically be wasting their buildpower moving slowly across the map anyway. 2 Also Rover, Hovercraft and Tank constructors are significantly faster than Commanders, so Commanders will basically be wasting their buildpower moving slowly across the map anyway.
3 Economically the commander is worth about 220-320 metal in comparable buildpower in a Caretaker or 2 constructors. The commander generates +4 metal income per second which is 2-3 completely FREE metal extractors(MEX). 2-3 MEXes is 140-210 metal. It also generates +6 energy per second which is equivalent to 3 solar generators worth 210 metal. Then it also have onboard storage worth 100 metal that needs to be rebuilt if you lose the Commander. That is 670-840 metal in just pure economic value that is lost if the commander is destroyed. 3 Economically the commander is worth about 220-320 metal in comparable buildpower in a Caretaker or 2 constructors. The commander generates +4 metal income per second which is 2-3 completely FREE metal extractors(MEX). 2-3 MEXes is 140-210 metal. It also generates +6 energy per second which is equivalent to 3 solar generators worth 210 metal. Then it also have onboard storage worth 100 metal that needs to be rebuilt if you lose the Commander. That is 670-840 metal in just pure economic value that is lost if the commander is destroyed.
4 \n 4 \n
5 Now if you upgrade the commander to level 2 just for the weapon, costing 75 metal, with Beam Laser, Machine Gun or the Lighting Gun the Commander have about equivalent combat value of 1 or 2 riots worth about 220-500 metal. That upgrade 75 metal cost for the weapon can also be delayed until you spot incoming units if you are on the ball. 5 Now if you upgrade the commander to level 2 just for the weapon, costing 75 metal, with Beam Laser, Machine Gun or the Lighting Gun, the Commander have about equivalent combat value of 1 or 2 riots worth about 220-500 metal. That upgrade 75 metal cost for the weapon can also be delayed until you spot incoming units if you are on the ball meaning that it is a pretty good defense against small raider parties breaking through to your base.
6 However, the risk of losing the commander on the shifting frontlines on large flats outweighs the benefit of having a slow riot that can't keep up with neither your army, nor the enemies army. 6 However, the risk of losing the commander on the shifting frontlines on large flats outweighs the benefit of having a slow riot that can't keep up with neither your army, nor the enemies army.
7 Even on medium sized flat maps like [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/55928]Red Comet[/url] and [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/7128]Alien Desert[/url] I generally keep the Commander in the base because of the risk of losing the Commander and its' slow speed compared to vehicles. 7 Even on medium sized flat maps like [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/55928]Red Comet[/url] and [url=http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/7128]Alien Desert[/url] I generally keep the Commander in the base because of the risk of losing the Commander and its' slow speed compared to vehicles.
8 Losing the Commander can in many 1v1s be a soft game ender that puts you far behind if you play too risky with it. 8 Losing the Commander can in many 1v1s be a soft game ender that puts you far behind if you play too risky with it.