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1v1 Map idea

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12/6/2018 1:07:16 PMGBrankPRO_Dregs before revert after revert
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1 I don't want 1 factory to dominate so maybe the mountainous area could have terrain bumps / features that make it usable but not abusable. A flat and winding path within it would allow access to vehicles. Meanwhile, the south path of the water would be immune to crab volleys. So the only thing for spiders to dominate would be the top 2/5ths. I don't think that would be a reason for balance concern here. 1 I don't want 1 factory to dominate so maybe the mountainous area could have terrain bumps / features that make it usable but not abusable. A flat and winding path within it would allow access to vehicles. Meanwhile, the south path of the water would be immune to crab volleys. So the only thing for spiders to dominate would be the top 2/5ths. I don't think that would be a reason for balance concern here.
2 \n
3 Oh by the way, the lava stops spiders from accessing safe zones.