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B688294 33 on Icy Run v2 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/25/2019 8:52:39 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
2/25/2019 8:51:58 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 the first nuke could have been better, if I were nuking I'd definitely took it 300-400 elmo closer to the center instead of map edge(even without scouting) 1 the first nuke could have been better, if I were nuking I'd definitely took it 300-400 elmo closer to the center instead of map edge(even without scouting)
2 So it would have taken the anti in progress... u almost never want to nuke closer to map edge - lobsters don't know those things. 2 So it would have taken the anti in progress... u almost never want to nuke closer to map edge - lobsters don't know those things.
3 \n
4 But everything was bad about this nuke, - the stockpile, the aim, and all that followed...