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Post edit history

Zero-K v1.7.3.1

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/2/2019 7:16:47 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
3/2/2019 7:16:27 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 Can't be! Can it???! 1 Can't be! Can it???!
2 Finally "fixed" detriment, scythe bit weaker and hacksaw went from useless trash back to somewhat useful :O 2 Finally "fixed" detriment, scythe bit weaker and hacksaw went from useless trash back to somewhat useful :O
3 \n 3 \n
4 Can't wait to test "com nap && cap" tactics, it's a zoo time! 4 Can't wait to test "com nap && cap" tactics, it's a zoo time!
5 \n 5 \n
6 Though I'm a bit worried about removing trickle income from cons - this was really great part of ZK and allowed for flexibility and very interesting come backs in FFA games. This alone worths having this income. 6 Though I'm a bit worried about removing trickle income from cons - this was really great part of ZK and allowed for flexibility and very interesting comebacks in FFA games. This alone worths having this income.