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Decoy Athena

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1/2/2020 5:33:44 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
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1 Athena gets d gun, press it and it fills your opponents radar with dots in direct proximity. 1 Athena D gun, press it and it fills your opponents radar with dots in direct proximity.
2 Dots follow athenas movement with some randomness so its not absolutely obvious that its fake 2
3 amount of dots could be set in the command panel ui as a number along with the type of units for exampl air water or ground perhaps also mouvment type which would restric athena own mouvement to say slow fast. this could also have a use when infiltrating bases as athena can suffer from its high speed and low maneuvrability. 3 Dots follow athena's movement with some randomness so it's not absolutely obvious that it's fake.
4 in case too lazy athena would simulates dots in function of what terrain athena is flying over , 4 The amount of dots set in the command panel ui as a number ranging from 0 to 50 ( ?) along with the type of units, for example air water or ground.
5 dots are generated until d gun is pressed again and decoy ability is shut down 5 Perhaps also mouvment type which would restric athena own mouvement to say slow/fast.
6 This could also have a use when infiltrating bases as athena can suffer from its high speed and low maneuvrability.
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8 If not manualy set up athena would simulate dots in function of what terrain it is flying over.
9 Decoy dots are generated until d gun is pressed again and decoy ability is shut down.
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