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Post edit history

Rez Paladin

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/19/2020 4:22:24 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
Before After
1 Both guns are rez 1 Both guns are rez
2 2 handguns can rez up to 100 metal per shot and fire slower 2 2 handguns can rez up to 100 metal per shot and fire slower
3 mahlazer can rez 1 shot up to 2 k metalz 3 mahlazer can rez 1 shot up to 2 k metalz
4 the effect need a little change, perhaps the rezing could take some looks from zombie, the sfx of the guns would be slower moving with diferent colours in a "rez" theme. 4 the effect need a little change, perhaps the rezing could take some looks from zombie, the sfx of the guns would be slower moving with diferent colours in a "rez" theme.
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