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1/31/2020 9:38:03 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
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1 Since we're playing 16v16 on 1v1-3v3 maps I find Firepluk's strategies to often be the best thing to do. Ten minutes in, the best front line unit is Tremor and Bertha is just a Tremor on steroids. DRP is even better if you get some assistance from the team. Also since income is limited to 5m/s you can't afford losing any units if you wish to keep your rank. 1 Since we're playing 16v16 on 1v1-3v3 maps I find Firepluk's strategies to often be the best thing to do. Ten minutes in, the best front line unit is Tremor and Bertha is just a Tremor on steroids. DRP is even better if you get some assistance from the team. Also since income is limited to 5m/s you can't afford losing any units if you wish to keep your rank.
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3 As for teamwork, there are some minorities (e.g. Mumble) that really try to coordinate, but from my experience the majority of my teammates won't even respond to chat messages, let alone execute a coherent strategy. So I find it easier to team up with pluk and use *rush this!* as a strategy. That's simple enough to be understood by others.