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24/7 High Elo Team Lobbies

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3/25/2020 3:37:30 AMDErankFlubbred before revert after revert
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1 I don't even have high elo, but this experience comes from other games. When you have a bad team, it's just overall not fun because 1/2 of the time you have to tell them what to do. In their case, they have lost multiple games just because some of their team was either inactive or was playing like against an IA (or worse). Even I am surprised that isn't in yet, although there might be some reasons we aren't aware of why this hasn't happened yet? 1 I don't even have high elo, but this experience comes from other games. When you have a bad team, it's just overall not fun because 1/2 of the time you have to tell them what to do. In their case, they have lost multiple games just because some of their team was either inactive or was playing like against an IA (or worse). Even I am surprised that isn't in yet, although there might be some reasons we aren't aware of why this hasn't happened yet?
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3 Maybe one reason is that rank does not necessarily tell how good you are, because there are players that aren't shit but don't have the required rank either. It's something to think about anyway.
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3 Either way, it'd be cool to have something like this. 5 Either way, it'd be cool to have something like this.