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B859390 24 on Tangerine (Multiplayer)

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4/1/2020 12:08:30 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
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1 if you hold Alt when you press F, you can now drag the fire command and it will make a line of attack commands. its not practical for stiunning more than 2 antinukes, but the end and start of the line allow to set 2 targets with 1 swoop. 1 if you hold Alt when you press F, you can now drag the fire command and it will make a line of attack commands. its not practical for stiunning more than 2 antinukes, but the end and start of the line allow to set 2 targets with 1 swoop.
2 \n 2 \n
3 wait is issued with ctrl W, 3 redacted
4 how to use this for stunning multiple antis,
5 first you issue wait command on all shockleys you want to employ (not the silo, the missile)
6 now you give attack fommands to the locations you want to stun (F).
7 when all targets have been set you select all shockleys and issue the ctrl W commmand again to cancel the wait.
8 watch fireworks