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B866084 22 on Comet Catcher Remake 1.8 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/5/2020 9:59:57 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/5/2020 9:59:27 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
Before After
1 in this replay you can see esainane using some kind of auto expander, clearly the units arent microd, his pointer is nowhere near them. they also expand in a very scripty way. 1 in this replay you can see esainane using some kind of auto expander, clearly the units arent microd, his pointer is nowhere near them. they also expand in a very scripty way.
2 no its no gbc its either ecohelper, or some other script/ai assist. (AVATAR EcoMan? i bet thats it) 2 no its no gbc its either ecohelper, or some other script/ai assist. (AVATAR EcoMan? i bet thats it)
3 there are way more of these, for all kind and purposes, its dum and has to be regulated. 3 there are way more of these, for all kind and purposes, its dum and has to be regulated.
4 \n 4 \n
5 i dont like being that guy, because i think scripting is kinda hilarious and the people doing it are for sure having lots of fun. 5 i dont like being that guy, because i think scripting is kinda hilarious and the people doing it are for sure having lots of fun.
6 but ill be that guy and call out the crappy state of things when it comes to custom widgets. 6 but ill be that guy and call out the crappy state of things when it comes to custom widgets.
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8 even after i tryed to get into widgeting its clear that all the dirty stuff is hidden never mentioned and noone is gonna share with the rest of the players. atleast i can say for myself ive tryed make everything i came across available to everyone, the rest of the widgeters have been quite the opposite. 8 even after i tryed to get into widgeting its clear that all the dirty stuff is hidden never mentioned and noone is gonna share with the rest of the players. atleast i can say for myself ive tryed make everything i came across available to everyone, the rest of the widgeters have been quite the opposite.
9 so to those this might affect, i guess you should have been deving for the game itself instead of underground dirt that the general player wont be able to fight since he even isnt aware of. 9 so to those this might affect, i guess you should have been deving for the game itself instead of underground dirt that the general player wont be able to fight since he even isnt aware of.
10 \n 10 \n
11 way out/ proposal: 11 way out/ proposal:
12 make a advanced section in the widget menu, alike to the simple settings/advanced settings of the options menu. 12 make a advanced section in the widget menu, alike to the simple settings/advanced settings of the options menu.
13 here are all widgets that arent to game standards or that will break the game in player performance aspect. 13 here are all widgets that arent to game standards or that will break the game in player performance aspect.
14 custom widgets are disabled, players have to apply their script to be added to this section, none autohost and none matchamaking hosts can enable this section in the advanced options. 14 custom widgets are disabled, players have to apply their script to be added to this section, none autohost and none matchamaking hosts can enable this section in the advanced options.
15 \n 15 \n
16 16 thank you
17 17 preace out
18 yours truly
19 the dream catcher