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Widgets vs Cheating

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/15/2020 2:10:15 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:09:13 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:07:45 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:03:28 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
Before After
1 well idk, seems to me its some kind of ai assist, if that one isnt functional isnt relevant really. the direction is that of the ai assist so surely to this day progress has been made and functional code has updated the non functional, which also isnt the point so please lets not take this lobster drama further and let others have the space the divulge their view and discuss the core of the thread rather than creating lobster drama between lobsters. 1 well idk, seems to me its some kind of ai assist, if that one isnt functional isnt relevant really. the direction is that of the ai assist so surely to this day progress has been made and functional code has updated the non functional, which also isnt the point so please lets not take this lobster drama further and let others have the space the divulge their view and discuss the core of the thread rather than creating lobster drama between lobsters.
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3 the destructive widgets are not the point those should be dealt with separately from the question of widget or no widget or how widget. destructive widget is 'what' widgets question, that is on another strata.
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3 this thread to me seems is the result of the limited knowledge on something that is very close to the players experience and influences it greatly, so obv people dont feel comfortable about it, 6 this thread to me seems is the result of the limited knowledge on something that is very close to the players experience and influences it greatly, so obv people dont feel comfortable about it,
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5 the destructive widgets are not the point those should be dealt with separately from the question of widget or no widget or how widget. destructive widget is what widget question. 8 also there it seems ( ;P) there are 2 points of view or atleast i could identify those. the first is people thinking it the way that they make the code so they gonna test it on the server and its their right to do so without any doubt, make sense since they creating something they developing their activity. regardless of where the code will end this will be an addition at the very least for them, so its good thing to be happening.
6 [/spoiler] 9 the second view point and may i say largely majoritary, even if not vocaly expressed, im fairly certain anyone who does not code and plays the game casualy or competitively; you would ask about this will answer similarly.
10 they would rather non standard widgets be gone, why would hax be allowed ? makes perfect sense that this whole local widgets does not make sense in their experience atleast.
11 this is what started my journey to see what is going on with local widgets. and what i can say with my limited understanding is not much really, people seem to got code lying around that they use , no one knows about it and it will never make it in the game , the people using it are very happy to keep it to themselves, or dont wanna make it to game quality and so cant really tell about its existance as others may get pissed that they are using it and getting unfair advantage.
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