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Widgets vs Cheating

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Date Editor Before After
4/15/2020 9:23:25 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
4/15/2020 9:21:49 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
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1 [quote]The line is somewhere around the point that the AI is making decisions. Players need to be able to accurately predict the behaviour resulting from their commands or the commands become magical black boxes[/quote] 1 [quote]The line is somewhere around the point that the AI is making decisions. Players need to be able to accurately predict the behaviour resulting from their commands or the commands become magical black boxes[/quote]
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3 This line is something I don't understand. I have played this game for quite a bit, but I could never tell you what a unit on free-roam is going to do, or how a unit on fight-move will behave. Chase, skirm, low-priority target classes are changing without the player knowing about it, and even if they didn't it is very hard to follow the unit AI's decision making without looking at the code. I know Scorchers should automatically dive against some units and kite some others, but this is something I have been unable to predict. Then they also retreat from buildings when the building is about to explode and other special behavior. At that point I feel the scorcher dive/kite decision might as well be dictated by a neural net. 3 This line is something I don't understand. I have played this game for quite a bit, but I could never tell you what a unit on free-roam is going to do, or how a unit on fight-move will behave. Chase, skirm, low-priority target classes are changing without the player knowing about it, and even if they didn't it is very hard to follow the unit AI's decision making without looking at the code. I know Scorchers should automatically dive against some units and kite some others, but this is something I have been unable to predict. Then they also retreat from buildings when the building is about to explode and other special behavior. At that point I feel the scorcher dive/kite decision might as well be dictated by a neural net.
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5 @mojjj 5 @mojjj
6 I think there is a good reason to keep widgets available but not integrate them into the game without vetting. I'm all for open widgets, but UI wise this would just lead to players shooting themselves in the foot. There's a good reason the widget list is hidden behind some settings and I've seen enough players opting for a reinstall just a few minutes after I explained them how to access it. 6 I think there is a good reason to keep widgets available but not integrate them into the game without vetting. I'm all for open widgets, but UI wise this would just lead to players shooting themselves in the foot. There's a good reason the widget list is hidden behind some settings and I've seen enough players opting for a reinstall just a few minutes after I explained them how to access it. There's also the point of having a different configuration every game breaking balance.