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Widgets vs Cheating

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4/15/2020 9:54:21 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
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1 Maybe a more practical explanation of what I want to avoid is ZK being two different games whether you play as an AI or as a human. You should always be able to exploit weaknesses of the AI, but the AI shouldn't be able to exploit weaknesses of humans. 1 Maybe a more practical explanation of what I want to avoid is ZK being two different games whether you play as an AI or as a human. You should always be able to exploit weaknesses of the AI, but the AI shouldn't be able to exploit weaknesses of humans.
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3 In Starcraft, AIs without APM limit play a completely different game than humans. A human would never be able to replicate what such an AI does. My goal for ZK would be that a human can always (at least theoretically) replicate what the AI does and use it for himself. This is not possible if some micro automation is inaccessible for the player. 3 In Starcraft, AIs without APM limit play a completely different game than humans. A human would never be able to replicate what such an AI does. My goal for ZK would be that a human can always (at least theoretically) replicate what the AI does and use it for himself. This is not possible if some micro automation is inaccessible for the player.
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5 This might seem like an impossible task, but it still seems like ZK is fairly close to it. Depending on how we decide, this may lead to AIs cheating by definition and void the "if you can't beat the AI, learn from the AI" slogan. 5 This might seem like an impossible task, but ZK is fairly close to it currently. Depending on how we decide, this may in the future lead to AIs cheating by definition and void the "if you can't beat the AI, learn from the AI" slogan.