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Widgets vs Cheating

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Post edit history
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4/15/2020 10:39:10 PMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
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1 [quote]Have you seen @PRO_rANDY's thread? He doesn't seem to be switching between keeping track of a large number of things at once. [/quote] 1 [quote]Have you seen @PRO_rANDY's thread? He doesn't seem to be switching between keeping track of a large number of things at once. [/quote]
2 I have seen the thread but have not consumed the video materials, as i no longer commute on public transit where i used to be able to suffer through doing that. 2 I have seen the thread but have not consumed the video materials, as i no longer commute on public transit where i used to be able to suffer through doing that.
3 \n 3 \n
4 Randy preferring to ve in few larger attentions is useful knowledge. I shall endeavour to manifest as many smaller low-risk attentions next time i encounter him. 4 Randy preferring to manifest in few larger attentions is useful knowledge. I shall endeavour to manifest as many smaller low-risk attentions next time i encounter him.