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Widgets vs Cheating

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4/15/2020 11:15:24 PMGBrankPRO_Dregs before revert after revert
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1 [q]Also, I strongly disagree that games are supposed to be a competitive test of skill. Playing vs. an AI or someone who has a way better UI than you will still be a test of skill. [q] 1 [q]Also, I strongly disagree that games are supposed to be a competitive test of skill. Playing vs. an AI or someone who has a way better UI than you will still be a test of skill. [/q]
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3 We have a competitive ladder. Of course that section of the game is supposed to be a competitive test of skill. What was the original purpose of making that ladder? To measure players skill against eachother, or something else to do with who was packing the most PEWs (Performance Enhancing Widgets yo, what a term)? 3 We have a competitive ladder. Of course that section of the game is supposed to be a competitive test of skill. What was the original purpose of making that ladder? To measure players skill against eachother, or something else to do with who was packing the most PEWs (Performance Enhancing Widgets yo, what a term)?
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5 If people have widgets that are genuinely about UI improvements, they are prime candidates for integration and as such would be allowed in a theoretically locked down ranked competitive ladder environment - so no harm there. 5 If people have widgets that are genuinely about UI improvements, they are prime candidates for integration and as such would be allowed in a theoretically locked down ranked competitive ladder environment - so no harm there.
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7 If anything, by formalizing this, you get a better pipeline for widget submission and pressure to get them out of the dark and into players hands. 7 If anything, by formalizing this, you get a better pipeline for widget submission and pressure to get them out of the dark and into players hands.