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Widgets vs Cheating

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4/16/2020 12:37:25 AMBRrankManored before revert after revert
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1 Stellaris is an RTS, and its a sluggish titanic monster. RTS' only definition is that its a strategy game that plays ou in real time. Any narrower definition you might want to make will be a sub-genre. 1 Stellaris is an RTS, and its a sluggish titanic monster. RTS' only definition is that its a strategy game that plays ou in real time. Any narrower definition you might want to make will be a sub-genre.
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3 The way I see it, "strategy" and "action" are like two axis of a graph. An FPS is extremely biased towards action but still has an element of strategy. Something like Stellaris is extremely biased towards strategy, but still has an element of action (at least if you're playing without pause, which is common in MP for obvious reasons). 3 The way I see it, "strategy" and "action" are like two axis of a graph. An FPS is extremely biased towards action but still has an element of strategy. Something like Stellaris is extremely biased towards strategy, but still has an element of action (at least if you're playing without pause, which is common in MP for obvious reasons).
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5 A Moba has a lot more strategy than an FPS, but its still mostly an action game if you ask me. 5 A Moba has a lot more strategy than an FPS, but its still mostly an action game if you ask me.
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7 Whereas something like Zero-K has a lot more action than Stellaris, but its still mostly an strategy game. 7 Whereas something like Zero-K has a lot more action than Stellaris, but its still mostly an strategy game.
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9 Different people prefer different points in that graph, tis a matter of taste, etc. 9 Different people prefer different points in that graph, tis a matter of taste, etc. Some, if not all, are capable of enjoying multiple points and not necessarily enjoy the points between them. I enjoy action games well enough and also enjoy turn based games, but don't enjoy all sorts of RTS. I don't enjoy fast-paced RTS games like Starcraft at all for example.
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13 Regarding my personal preference in this matter and overall vision of what kinds of automation should or should not exist: 13 Regarding my personal preference in this matter and overall vision of what kinds of automation should or should not exist:
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15 In strategy games like Zero-K I have always felt that, as you play the role of army commander, you should ideally not have to make decisions that fall into the scope of individual units, or at least not most of the time. Aka: your units should have enough independent intelligence to execute basic fighting strategies on their own, just as you'd expect your soldiers to do if you were commanding a real, intelligent army. The commander takes care of the macro stuff. 15 In strategy games like Zero-K I have always felt that, as you play the role of army commander, you should ideally not have to make decisions that fall into the scope of individual units, or at least not most of the time. Aka: your units should have enough independent intelligence to execute basic fighting strategies on their own, just as you'd expect your soldiers to do if you were commanding a real, intelligent army. The commander takes care of the macro stuff.
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17 For example, I absolutely believe that a lance should have enough intelligence to not waste shots on fleas. That's not an army commander decision, that's an unit tactics decision. 17 For example, I absolutely believe that a lance should have enough intelligence to not waste shots on fleas. That's not an army commander decision, that's an unit tactics decision.
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19 My personal beef with the idea of significant amounts of micro in an RTS is that it feels like it makes your role in the game fuzzy. You're the army commander but you have to babysit that lance? What exactly are you then? You're the army commander but 5% of the time you're also a lance pilot? 19 My personal beef with the idea of significant amounts of micro in an RTS is that it feels like it makes your role in the game fuzzy. You're the army commander but you have to babysit that lance? What exactly are you then? You're the army commander but 5% of the time you're also a lance pilot?