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what do you think about new mainmenu background

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/21/2020 8:08:34 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/21/2020 8:05:55 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
4/21/2020 8:05:39 PMITrankbinko before revert after revert
Before After
1 Regarding terrain : 1 Regarding terrain :
2 https://i.imgur.com/3jw9AJ3.jpg 2 https://i.imgur.com/3jw9AJ3.jpg
3 \n 3 \n
4 [spoiler] 4 [spoiler]
5 if these informations are added to the loading screen rotations an unknown lobster will rise to the top of the ladder within 3 months 5 if these informations are added to the loading screen rotations an unknown lobster will rise to the top of the ladder within 3 months
6 [/spoiler] 6 [/spoiler]
7 \n
8 tarkin ye prob needs trimming,
9 im wondering if this kind of knowledge is worth the time that wont be spent reading the ''how to play the game'' loading screens
10 is the theme so unmatching what we have its too odd
11 and would the benefit of players reading on these concepts outweight the above
12 \n