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Post edit history

Clan wars, again?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/2/2020 8:57:30 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
5/2/2020 8:55:35 AMITrankbinko before revert after revert
Before After
1 the date would overlap with next high elons event, 1 the date would overlap with next high elons event,
2 may be wise to unoverlap 2 may be wise to unoverlap
3 \n 3 \n
4 if you move it one week later i think i should be there, assuming no parts take more than 3 weeks to ship 4 is it possible to have the !topic mentioning the event a day prior
5 \n
6 \n
5 \n 7 \n
6 [spoiler] 8 [spoiler]
7 dear shamanzi i love you too 9 dear shamanzi i love you too
8 lets bury the war tomahawk 10 lets bury the war tomahawk
9 and smoke the sacred pipe of reconciliation 11 and smoke the sacred pipe of reconciliation
10 [/spoiler] 12 [/spoiler]