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Post edit history

Cloakbot Imp

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/3/2020 1:16:30 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 1:16:18 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 1:15:28 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:33:14 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:31:38 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:23:14 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:22:38 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:20:04 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:19:07 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 12:18:48 PMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 8:40:49 AMLynx before revert after revert
6/3/2020 8:39:58 AMLynx before revert after revert
Before After
1 Thank you for your patience with me @GoogleFrog. 1 Thank you for your patience with me @GoogleFrog.
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3 Regarding imps, as you identify I think there is not only the issue of EMP immunity but also how the units behave as a swarm when simultaneously attacking a unit. So emp immunity was one idea, but so too is coordinated detonation or that emp damage effects detonation. Do you think on all three counts the status quo ought to be maintained? 3 Regarding imps, as you identify I think there is not only the issue of EMP immunity but also how the units behave as a swarm when simultaneously attacking a unit. So emp immunity was one idea, but so too is coordinated detonation or that emp damage effects detonation. Do you think on all three counts the status quo ought to be maintained?
4 \n 4 \n
5 Regarding widgets, my limited understanding of widgets are the items you get in the widget list which seem a hotch-potch of hacks and fixes. 5 Regarding widgets, my limited understanding of widgets are the items you get in the widget list which seem a hotch-potch of hacks and fixes.
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7 Intuitively something really bothers me about the widget concept and I am not sure precisely why. But I should probably cease expressing my ill-informed views about widgets until I understand them and their role in ZK better. 7 Intuitively something really bothers me about the widget concept and I am not sure precisely why. But I should probably cease expressing my ill-informed views about widgets until I understand them and their role in ZK better.
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9 Reading through the helpful description of widgets provided by @nop above, it seems for one thing that widgets are too powerful. It is not just about facilitating customisation of the user interface. It facilitates changing AI or behaviour (hope I am using this term correctly here). 9 Reading through the helpful description of widgets provided by @nop above, it seems for one thing that widgets are too powerful. It is not just about facilitating customisation of the user interface. It facilitates changing AI or behaviour (hope I am using this term correctly here).
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11 The idea of sorting problems in the game with widget fixes seems like applying lots of band-aids. 11 The idea of sorting problems in the game with widget fixes seems like applying lots of band-aids.
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13 I think intuitively resolving problems in 'main' (if that even makes sense) rather than via more 'widgets' seems desirable. And maybe collapsing widgets used 100% of the time into 'main'. And removing local widgets. 13 I think intuitively resolving problems in 'main' (if that even makes sense) rather than via more 'widgets' seems desirable. And maybe collapsing widgets used 100% of the time into 'main'. And removing local widgets.
14 \n 14 \n
15 I softened the phraseology in my previous two posts. Work strain should not spill over into my posts on a game forum. I really need a holiday and more time to play and enjoy Zero-K. 15 I softened the phraseology in my previous two posts. Work strain should not spill over into my posts on a game forum. I really need a holiday and more time to play and enjoy ZK.