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Rover factory is in a bad state

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8/20/2020 9:47:57 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
Before After
1 Rovers were historically my favourite fac even in big games, since 2012. Scorcher and ravager spam was the way, you could achieve some epic busts with the raw power of scorcher. I think they have steadily eclipsed by balance and meta changes since then. 1 Rovers were historically my favourite fac even in big games, since 2012. Scorcher and ravager spam was the way, you could achieve some epic busts with the raw power of scorcher. I think they have steadily eclipsed by balance and meta changes since then.
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3 - terraform makes ravager bad vs porc (can't hit it) 3 - terraform makes ravager bad vs porc (can't hit it)
4 - buffed faraday wrecks scorcher/ravager dives (mass aoe stun) 4 - buffed faraday wrecks scorcher/ravager dives (mass aoe stun)
5 - popups nullify impaler (does no meaningful damage) 5 - popups nullify impaler (does no meaningful damage)
6 - superfluid has reduced scorcher (less of a glass cannon + enemies can turn around to escape better) 6 - superfluid has reduced scorcher (less of a glass cannon + enemies can turn around to escape better)
7 - changes to other raiders have largely made them stronger. 7 - changes to other raiders have largely made them stronger.
8 - fencer is much weaker now that all raiders are more tanky 8 - fencer is much weaker now that all raiders are more tanky
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10 I can't speak for high level 1v1 balance, but outside of that realm I don't think they are an especially good or interesting fac either. 10 I can't speak for high level 1v1 balance, but outside of that realm I don't think they are an especially good or interesting fac either.
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12 There are still some OK units. 12 There are still some OK units.
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14 Crasher is great AA. 14 Crasher is great AA.
15 Impaler is strong with AI control (eg perfect micro targeting of statics). 15 Impaler is strong with AI control (eg perfect micro targeting of statics).
16 Wolverine is a strong utility. 16 Wolverine is a good utility.
17 Domi is currently strong vs short range heavies. 17 Domi is currently strong vs short range heavies.
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19 But these don't make for a coherent doctrine that is useful in high density games. 19 But these don't make for a coherent doctrine that is useful in high density games.