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Rover factory is in a bad state

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Date Editor Before After
8/20/2020 4:44:53 PMUSrankAdminBakuhatsu before revert after revert
8/20/2020 4:31:23 PMUSrankAdminBakuhatsu before revert after revert
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1 As far as I can tell fencer is the unit the rest of the factory revolves around, and I think fencer is still doing its job. It hits its peak fairly early though because it doesn't scale very well. Almost every other unit feels mediocre, dominatrix aside. I feel like scorcher's problems would be easiest to solve with a higher minimum damage at max range. Because the current design makes fight move a huge trap and means anything that can kite a scorcher reasonably effectively (kodachi) gets a huge bonus against it. The only way scorchers can kill such units is by forcing them to get in close to kill fencers. I think scorchers are fine against assaults for the most part, but the way that fight move nerfs them means you have to do a lot of micro in every engagement to get a reasonable amount of damage out of them. 1 As far as I can tell fencer is the unit the rest of the factory revolves around, and I think fencer is still doing its job. It hits its peak fairly early though because it doesn't scale very well. Almost every other unit feels mediocre, dominatrix aside. I feel like scorcher's problems would be easiest to solve with a higher minimum damage at max range. Because the current design makes fight move a huge trap and means anything that can kite a scorcher reasonably effectively (kodachi) gets a huge bonus against it. The only way scorchers can kill such units is by forcing them to get in close to kill fencers. I think scorchers are fine against assaults for the most part, but the way that fight move nerfs them means you have to do a lot of micro in every engagement to get a reasonable amount of damage out of them.
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3 Rippers are probably as strong as they can be without being too good, the high alpha is pretty good vs heavy raiders like bolas. 3 Rippers are probably as strong as they can be without being too good, the high alpha is pretty good vs heavy raiders like bolas.
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5 Ravagers have to be a little mediocre because they're so much faster than most assaults, but maybe the change to mex hp has made it harder for them to cost efficiently raid now. Perhaps if ravager was a bit more alpha strikey so it could 3 shot a mex it would feel a bit better? 5 Ravagers have to be a little mediocre because they're so much faster than most assaults, but maybe the change to mex hp has made it harder for them to cost efficiently raid now. Perhaps if ravager was a bit more alpha strikey so it could 3 shot a mex it would feel a bit better? That would help it take advantage of its speed more in fighting other heavy units as well.
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7 Badgers see plenty of use in team games and would be really cancerous to play against if much better, so they probably are about as good as their design can be. Impalers also seem just fine, if a bit of a trap for low apm players. 7 Badgers see plenty of use in team games and would be really cancerous to play against if much better, so they probably are about as good as their design can be. Impalers also seem just fine, if a bit of a trap for low apm players.