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Emerging cloakbot playstyle

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/10/2020 7:34:40 PMBRrankManored before revert after revert
10/10/2020 7:33:37 PMBRrankManored before revert after revert
Before After
1 I agree with the feeling of that ronin lives under the shadow of sling. Their roles are too similar, and as such one will always be in the other's shadow. One of them should undergo a radical change, and since ronin is the underdog right now, it probably should be ronin. 1 I agree with the feeling of that ronin lives under the shadow of sling. Their roles are too similar, and as such one will always be in the other's shadow. One of them should undergo a radical change, and since ronin is the underdog right now, it probably should be ronin.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I feel like being a very low mental density unit that needs direct LoS to do their thing doesn't work very well for ronin, the're a unit that becomes obsolete fast as the mental density of a game increases. So maybe ronin could get a buff to their weight-class. Think a bigger ronin costing about 200 metal. That would also result in more health which would help with the terrible attrition ronins suffer when compared to slings. 3 I feel like being a very low mental density unit that needs direct LoS to do their thing doesn't work very well for ronin, the're a unit that becomes obsolete fast as the mental density of a game increases. So maybe ronin could get a buff to their weight-class. Think a bigger ronin costing about 200 metal. That would also result in more health which would help with the terrible attrition ronins suffer when compared to slings. The extra height from being a little taller could also make the need for direct LoS hurt a little less.