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Ravager and Halberd

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/15/2020 11:25:41 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
10/15/2020 11:24:55 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
10/15/2020 11:21:09 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
Before After
1 [q]Being armored is definitely a cool feature but maybe the % modifier on that defense is just a bit too much impunity[/q] 1 [q]Being armored is definitely a cool feature but maybe the % modifier on that defense is just a bit too much impunity[/q]
2 I find fighting against halberds unfun. Like watching the paint dry. The other side has all the initiative, you're there just as a background source of damage. You can't zone them (without things like Newton or Placeholder), and the totality of the tactics you can apply to them is just to keep shooting. 2 I find fighting against halberds unfun. Like watching the paint dry. The other side has all the initiative, you're there just as a background source of damage. You can't zone them (without things like Newton or Placeholder), and the totality of the tactics you can apply to them is just to keep shooting.
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4 This is much worse than similarly tanky Jack, because the Jack can be kited or dived, and without jump it is slow enough for you to maybe try to run with your commander. Halberd, though, outruns most raiders. 4 This is much worse than similarly tanky Jack, because the Jack can be kited or dived, and without jump it is slow enough for you to maybe try to run with your commander. Halberd, though, has raider-tier speed.
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6 Even if for some absurd reason you manage to chew through the armor, good job, you've done killed what, 240 metal? Mediocre. 6 Even if for some absurd reason you manage to chew through the armor, good job, you've done killed what, 240 metal? Mediocre.
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8 Imo, frustration aside, it just does not need all that speed. 8 Imo, frustration aside, it just does not need all that speed.