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Worst units visual design

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/26/2020 9:15:23 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
10/26/2020 9:00:02 AMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
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1 That's funny, I actually had a similar conversation with a friend who was running zk in a vm, since he didn't trust the launcher. It turned out nothing of the rendering worked and he never looked at a screenshot to realize that it's all wrong. We only found out since he watched me play zk on my laptop and didn't even notice nor believe me that was zk I was playing. 1 That's funny, I actually had a similar conversation with a friend who was running zk in a vm, since he didn't trust the launcher. It turned out nothing of the rendering worked and he never looked at a screenshot to realize that it's all wrong. We only found out when he watched me play zk on my laptop: he asked me what game I was playing. He didn't even want to believe me that was ZK after what he had seen.