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When will the Commander's drones be removed?

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11/9/2020 9:17:43 PMBRrankManored before revert after revert
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1 I haven't tried using drones and can't say I have seen all that much of them, but it feels like they're too good at wasting the enemy's shots, considering that they're a free unit (over time), and that their tiny size and flight means a lot of those wasted shots don't even hit. 1 I haven't tried using drones and can't say I have seen all that much of them, but it feels like they're too good at wasting the enemy's shots, considering that they're a free unit (over time), and that their tiny size and flight means a lot of those wasted shots don't even hit.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Only a few factories have access to cheap fluff in Zero-K. Also they count not only a free ground fluff, but also as free air fluff. 3 Only a few factories have access to cheap fluff in Zero-K. Also they count not only as free ground fluff, but also as free air fluff.