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Usage of Dante

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Date Editor Before After
11/12/2020 2:27:24 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
11/12/2020 2:26:31 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 dante can be effective vs swarms and even sometimes cloaks. . i recommend assisting it with pillars it can duck behind to escape arty or shields / cloak it can fall back to. . it can play a role in base defense as it seems to be quite good for responding to an enemy push on front-lines because it loves close combat 1 dante can be effective vs swarms and even sometimes cloaks. . i recommend assisting it with pillars it can duck behind to escape arty or shields / cloak it can fall back to. . it can play a role in base defense as it seems to be quite good for responding to an enemy push on front-lines because it loves close combat ( but it does have issues with ff)