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Usage of Dante

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11/12/2020 10:08:59 AMCNrankjiero before revert after revert
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1 I encounterd dante only once in recent games, it pushed from the strider hub at his base where my last small army just arrived, passed through several defensive lines of 3 or 4 lotus. However, the opponenet have to march with only the dante to take me down. 1 I encounterd dante only once in recent games, it pushed from the strider hub at his base where my last small army just arrived, passed through several defensive lines of 3 or 4 lotus. However, the opponenet have to march with only the dante to take me down.
2 \n 2 \n
3 It eventually failed 1000 elmo from my factory when I surround it with 2 groups of Scorchers, about 10 Scorchers front and behind near my line of solar extensions, these solar collectors effectively allowing my scorchers closing in while taking minimal damage. 3 It eventually failed 1000 elmo from my factory when I ambushed by surrounding it with 2 groups of Scorchers, about 5 Scorchers in front and 4 from behind near my line of solar extensions, these solar collectors effectively allowing my scorchers closing in while taking minimal damage.
4 \n 4 \n
5 I used a lot of dantes in chicken games it is the unit with highest DPS that can survive chicken although not likely do it alone. 5 I used a lot of dantes in chicken games it is the unit with highest DPS that can survive chicken although not likely do it alone.