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When will the Commander's drones be removed?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/14/2020 8:26:38 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
11/14/2020 8:26:02 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
11/14/2020 8:25:22 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
11/14/2020 8:25:03 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 Can we pretty please have this looked at?... 1 Can we pretty please have this looked at?...
2 I bet this is not how zk supposed to look like both in early and late game, early game it ruins raiding and late game it ruins both chainsaw and artemis 2 I bet this is not how zk supposed to look like both in early and late game, early game it ruins raiding and late game it ruins both chainsaw and artemis
3 And raiding is already ruined by not so long ago unit stats changes( fat mexes) , now it's getting really hard to decently raid in early team games :( 3 And raiding is already ruined by not so long ago unit stats changes( fat mexes, fat coms, energy fueled rearm on bombers, etc) , now it's getting really hard to do a good raid in early team games :(