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12/10/2020 2:23:03 AMBRrankManored before revert after revert
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1 Spiders don't feel that strong to me, at least not in large team games. They're countered really hard by AoE, and that tends to become more common at higher densities. All spider units are cheap and skew towards fragility. Even Hermit is fragile individually. Crab is the exception but Crab has very limited utility offensively. 1 Spiders don't feel that strong to me, at least not in large team games. They're countered really hard by AoE, and that tends to become more common at higher densities. All spider units are cheap and skew towards fragility. Even Hermit is fragile individually. Crab is the exception but Crab has very limited utility offensively.
2 \n
3 Also, Jugglenaut absolutely ruins the day of a spider player, and its a unit encountered somewhat frequently because the kinds of areas that encourage spiders also encourages jumpbots.