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Post edit history

History of RTS Games

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/16/2020 2:39:51 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
12/16/2020 2:39:41 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
Before After
1 I played Warcraft II, C&C Red Alert and Total Annihilation. After the latter i knew i found a love for life. We married in 1998. 20 years later I found that there was a simply better version of my spouse hidden somewhere in the dephts of the internet... Sorry TA, but i simply don`t love you anymore :( 1 I played Warcraft II, C&C Red Alert and Total Annihilation. After the latter i knew i found a love for life. We married in 1998. 20 years later I found that there was a simply better version of my spouse hidden somewhere in the dephts of the internet... Sorry TA, but i simply don`t love you anymore :(
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4 4 P. S.
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6 someone remembers this: 6 someone remembers this:
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8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJXciXl3DTs 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJXciXl3DTs
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11 this would be an interesting title for springification.... 11 this would be an interesting title for springification....
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13 (sry didn`t have the time to go through the vid and see if it`s included. 13 (sry didn`t have the time to go through the vid and see if it`s included.
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