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Reclaiming stuff that is being resurrected

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/16/2021 9:36:19 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/16/2021 9:34:25 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/16/2021 9:21:09 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/16/2021 9:18:23 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/16/2021 9:13:13 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
Before After
1 Of course Ontheheavens is shit talking here since he is still mad for getting banned 2 days ago after I reported him (he skuttle'd my commander for no reason). Hence he can not judge it objectively. 1 Of course Ontheheavens is shit talking here since he is still mad for getting banned 2 days ago after I reported him (he skuttle'd my commander for no reason). Hence he can not judge it objectively.
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3 I saved north that game, don't know if he ever looked at north while playing. In the early 10 minutes north almost lost while south did not care. 3 I saved north that game, don't know if he ever looked at north while playing. In the early 10 minutes north almost lost while south did not care.
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5 20k Athenas + 10k Pala + 22k total resurrect = total 52k value at the end. None of my metal income was wasted and only 3 Athenas died. Created 20k value purely out of energy. Without resurrecting I would still have 30k in units but no Athenas. 5 20k Athenas + 10k Pala + 22k total resurrect = total 52k units value at the end. None of my metal income was wasted and only 3 Athenas died. Created 20k value purely out of energy. Without resurrecting I would still have 30k in units but no Athenas.
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