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Area reclaim ignores resurecting wrecks

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/1/2021 6:02:42 PMRUrankChvaN before revert after revert
2/1/2021 6:01:32 PMRUrankChvaN before revert after revert
2/1/2021 5:59:44 PMRUrankChvaN before revert after revert
Before After
1 Hi. Is it possible to make area reclaim comand ignore wreckes, that your allies try to ressurect? It would be nice, coz sometimes its very annoying when you try to res something, but your ally just has area reclaim command. Sometimes was in such situations. 1 Hi. Is it possible to make area reclaim comand ignore wreckes, that your allies try to ressurect? It would be nice, coz sometimes its very annoying when you try to res something, but your ally just has area reclaim command. Sometimes was in such situations.
2 I felt so bad for one guy it this replay. xD 2 I felt so bad for one guy it this battle. xD
3 http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1043284 3 http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1043284