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Post edit history

B1047251 29 on Desert Rumble 1.02 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/7/2021 2:09:08 AMDErankSnowlob before revert after revert
2/7/2021 2:07:14 AMDErankSnowlob before revert after revert
2/7/2021 2:06:38 AMDErankSnowlob before revert after revert
Before After
1 ~01:40 @Trojaner_ trash talking about like he would still contribute to the team even if hes afk cuz of his rank - (but offensive speach against new players as seen before in other games) 1 ~01:40 @Trojaner_ trash talking about like he would still contribute to the team even if hes afk cuz of his rank - (but offensive speach against new players as seen before in other games)
2 \n 2 \n
3 ~04:00-05:00 @strikeshadow building the first lotuses of the south eastern team and reclaiming his own fac for faster nuke rush. 3 ~04:00-05:00 @strikeshadow building the first lotuses of the south eastern team and reclaiming his own fac for faster nuke rush.
4 \n 4 \n
5 ~06:50 @Trojaner_ loses a Athena to @chumtoadafuq ´s Toads, the wreck lands within range of @strikeshadow ´s and @Killingtime ´s caretakers which start reclaiming it while @Trojaner_ is trying to rez it. 5 ~06:50 @Trojaner_ loses a Athena to @chumtoadafuq ´s Toads, the wreck lands within range of @strikeshadow ´s and @Killingtime ´s caretakers which start reclaiming it while @Trojaner_ is trying to rez it.
6 \n 6 \n
7 ~07:10 enemy spider attack diverts caretakers attention away to focus on repairing in stead of reclaiming, @Trojaner_ manages to rez his Athena. 7 ~07:10 enemy spider attack diverts caretakers attention away to focus on repairing in stead of reclaiming, @Trojaner_ manages to rez his Athena.
8 \n 8 \n
9 ~09:00 @Trojaner_ `s athena gets shot down, wreck crashes within @bloa `s caretakers range, the caretaker gets destroyed by enemy. 9 ~09:00 @Trojaner_ `s athena gets shot down, wreck crashes within @bloa `s caretakers range, the caretaker gets destroyed by enemy.
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11 ~10:20 @bloa orders a Mason to area reclaim the area which was previously covered by the caretaker. 11 ~10:20 @bloa orders a Mason to area reclaim the area which was previously covered by the caretaker.
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13 ~10:37 @bloa `s Mason starts reclaiming @Trojaner_ `s Athena wreck which is currently beeing rezed. 13 ~10:37 @bloa `s Mason starts reclaiming @Trojaner_ `s Athena wreck which is currently beeing rezed.
14 \n 14 \n
15 ~10:50 @czesio pings the reclaimed rezing process, @Trojaner_ pings @bloa 15 ~10:50 @czesio pings the reclaimed rezing process, @Trojaner_ pings @bloa
16 @strikeshadow gives area reclaim order to the area north of the Athena wreck slightly includeing the wreck. 16 @strikeshadow gives area reclaim order to the area north of the Athena wreck slightly includeing the wreck.
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18 ~11:00 @Trojaner_ telling @bloa to stop 18 ~11:00 @Trojaner_ telling @bloa to stop
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20 ~11:25 @strikeshadow `s weaver arrives and also beginns to reclaim the Athena wreck during the rezing process. 20 ~11:25 @strikeshadow `s weaver arrives and also beginns to reclaim the Athena wreck during the rezing process.
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22 ~11:30 @Trojaner_ initiates a !kick @bloa vote. 22 ~11:30 @Trojaner_ initiates a !kick @bloa vote.
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24 ~11:35 @bloa notices and orders the Mason away, @Killingtime votes yes (wtf???) 24 ~11:35 @bloa notices and orders the Mason away, @Killingtime votes yes (wtf???)
25 \n 25 \n
26 ~11:48 @Trojaner_ trying to contact @strikeshadow 26 ~11:48 @Trojaner_ trying to contact @strikeshadow
27 \n 27 \n
28 ~11:57 @Trojaner_ gives up on the Athena wreck 28 ~11:57 @Trojaner_ gives up on the Athena wreck
29 \n 29 \n
30 ~12:00 @Trojaner_ orders his Athena to reclaim @strikeshadow `s Trinity (Building progress 2.760/8.000) 30 ~12:00 @Trojaner_ orders his Athena to reclaim @strikeshadow `s Trinity (Building progress 2.760/8.000)
31 \n 31 \n
32 ~12:05 @Trojaner_ "fuck you" to @strikeshadow 32 ~12:05 @Trojaner_ "fuck you" to @strikeshadow
33 \n 33 \n
34 ~13:00-15:30 @strikeshadow notices, stays passive 34 ~13:00-15:30 @strikeshadow notices, stays passive
35 \n 35 \n
36 ~15:37 @strikeshadow moves his com as to let the Trinity go or not to. (mental conflict) 36 ~15:37 @strikeshadow moves his com as to let the Trinity go or not to. (mental conflict)
37 \n 37 \n
38 ~16:00 @strikeshadow watches his Trinity disappearing 38 ~16:00 @strikeshadow watches his Trinity disappearing
39 \n 39 \n
40 ~16:30 @strikeshadow tells @Trojaner_ to stop reclaiming his Trinity 40 ~16:30 @strikeshadow tells @Trojaner_ to stop reclaiming his Trinity
41 \n 41 \n
42 ~16:33 @Trojaner_ tells @strikeshadow "you can fuck off", "you reclaimed my stuff" 42 ~16:33 @Trojaner_ tells @strikeshadow "you can fuck off", "you reclaimed my stuff"
43 \n 43 \n
44 ~16:50 44 ~16:50
45 @Senaven: "wtf team reclaim" 45 @Senaven: "wtf team reclaim"
46 @Torjaner_: "he did the same" 46 @Torjaner_: "he did the same"
47 @Killingtime: "who?" "kick him" 47 @Killingtime: "who?" "kick him"
48 @Senaven: "both bad" 48 @Senaven: "both bad"
49 \n 49 \n
50 ~17:05 @Trojaner_: "i pinged him at least 50 times" (not entirely true, he called him out the rest were anyonymous map marker pings) 50 ~17:05 @Trojaner_: "i pinged him at least 50 times" (not entirely true, he called him out the rest were anyonymous map marker pings)
51 \n 51 \n
52 ~17:10 52 ~17:10
53 @Trojaner_: "he doesnt give a shit neither do i" 53 @Trojaner_: "he doesnt give a shit neither do i"
54 @Killingtime: "whos him?" 54 @Killingtime: "whos him?"
55 \n 55 \n
56 ~17:20 56 ~17:20
57 @Trojaner_: "strikeshadow" 57 @Trojaner_: "strikeshadow"
58 @Killingtime: "!kick strikeshadow" 58 @Killingtime: "!kick strikeshadow"
59 \n 59 \n
60 \n 60 \n
61 ~17:24 61 ~17:24
62 @strikeshadow vote NO 62 @strikeshadow vote NO
63 @Snowlob vote NO 63 @Snowlob vote NO
64 @Trojaner_ vote NO 64 @Trojaner_ vote NO
65 \n 65 \n
66 ~17:30 @Snowlob starts building a singu next to @Trojaner_`s Funnelweb which is beeing bulit useing the trinity metal. 66 ~17:30 @Snowlob starts building a singu next to @Trojaner_`s Funnelweb which is beeing bulit useing the trinity metal.
67 \n 67 \n
68 ~18:05 @strikeshadow: "!kick Torjaner_" 68 ~18:05 @strikeshadow: "!kick Torjaner_"
69 \n 69 \n
70 (not working cuz other poll is still in progress cuz develobs still didnt fix the poll jamming thing (example: when you bulid a super and dont want the enemy team to resign so you can "enjoy" the superior firepower obliterating the enemy base a bit longer you can simply go to menu, press the windows key type in "!poll resign" mark and ctrl + c it, go back ingame and spam it, after a few sec type !endvote before enough people can actually vote in chat, press enter twice hit ctrl+v and enter, repeat) is a way to jamm every vote, no matter the team.) 70 (not working cuz other poll is still in progress cuz develobs still didnt fix the poll jamming thing (example: when you bulid a super and dont want the enemy team to resign so you can "enjoy" the superior firepower obliterating the enemy base a bit longer you can simply go to menu, press the windows key type in "!poll resign" mark and ctrl + c it, go back ingame and spam it, after a few sec type !endvote before enough people can actually vote in chat, press enter twice hit ctrl+v and enter, repeat) is a way to jamm every vote, no matter the team.)
71 \n 71 \n
72 ~18:35 72 ~18:35
73 @strikeshadow: "ok he has almost full reclaimed my trinity" (587/8.000 Metal remaining) 73 @strikeshadow: "ok he has almost full reclaimed my trinity" (587/8.000 Metal remaining)
74 @Senaven: "kikc?" 74 @Senaven: "kikc?"
75 @Snowlob: "yes" 75 @Snowlob: "yes"
76 \n 76 \n
77 ~18:40 @mojjj paused the game 77 ~18:40 @mojjj paused the game
78 @Trojaner_: "look", "he did the same" 78 @Trojaner_: "look", "he did the same"
80 @Trojaner_: "to me" (wreck, nanoframe theres a difference) 80 @Trojaner_: "to me" (wreck, nanoframe theres a difference)
81 @Killingtime: "oh the reclaiming" (is he now playing dumb? but voteing "yes" before?) 81 @Killingtime: "oh the reclaiming" (is he now playing dumb? but voteing "yes" before?)
82 @Senaven: "report them bouth" 82 @Senaven: "report them bouth"
83 @Trojaner_: "why didnt you care when he reclaimed my stuff" 83 @Trojaner_: "why didnt you care when he reclaimed my stuff"
84 @strikeshadow: "it´s to late" (Trinity 547/8.000 mojjj acted indeed to late) 84 @strikeshadow: "it´s to late" (Trinity 547/8.000 mojjj acted indeed to late)
85 @strikeshadow: "he reclaimed almost all of it" 85 @strikeshadow: "he reclaimed almost all of it"
86 @Trojaner_ "i thing i pined enough to draw anyones attention" (only a handfull of people used to pay attention not even @mojjj else this whole mess wouldntve happened) 86 @Trojaner_ "i thing i pined enough to draw anyones attention" (only a handfull of people used to pay attention not even @mojjj else this whole mess wouldntve happened)
87 \n 87 \n
88 @mojjj unpaused the game 88 @mojjj unpaused the game
89 \n 89 \n
90 ~18:50 @Senaven: "didnt saw u pin" 90 ~18:50 @Senaven: "didnt saw u pin"
91 \n 91 \n
92 ~18:55 @Snowlob: "not report strine the rez reclaim issue is common knowledge" 92 ~18:55 @Snowlob: "not report strine the rez reclaim issue is common knowledge"
93 \n 93 \n
94 ~19:05 @Senavemn: "report after game must be" (yay even more reports just for fun! Not like this entire thing is one big missunderstanding) 94 ~19:05 @Senavemn: "report after game must be" (yay even more reports just for fun! Not like this entire thing is one big missunderstanding)
95 \n 95 \n
96 ~20:25 @Snowlob blows up @Trojaner_`s Funnelweb(financed by @strikeshadow `s Trinity), S-Hub, Jumpbot fac useing the singu, @mojjj `s Airplane fac and Airpad also burst in the blast as colleteral damage. 96 ~20:25 @Snowlob blows up @Trojaner_`s Funnelweb(financed by @strikeshadow `s Trinity), S-Hub, Jumpbot fac useing the singu, @mojjj `s Airplane fac and Airpad also burst in the blast as colleteral damage.
97 \n 97 \n
98 All in all a escalated missunderstanding between @Trojaner_ and @strikeshadow and a @Snowlob punishing a Teammate which he shouldve left for the mods to do. 98 All in all a escalated missunderstanding between @Trojaner_ and @strikeshadow and a @Snowlob punishing a Teammate which he shouldve left for the mods to do.
99 \n 99 \n
100 100 Lessons learned
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