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B1047251 29 on Desert Rumble 1.02 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/8/2021 10:56:06 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
2/8/2021 10:48:58 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
2/8/2021 10:48:13 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
Before After
1 [q] @Lu5ck While we made incredible efforts to bomb the enemies, with total 3 airs and 6 likhos thus managed to pushed off offenses. We are still a far bit to go in deciding the game and to know if our 3 airs bombers composition can win the game.[/q] 1 [q] @Lu5ck While we made incredible efforts to bomb the enemies, with total 3 airs and 6 likhos thus managed to pushed off offenses. We are still a far bit to go in deciding the game and to know if our 3 airs bombers composition can win the game.[/q]
2 \n 2 \n
3 yea. i was 1 air vs 3 (and nobody even tried to make static AA despite lables/chat begging to do so) and therefore pretty busy not overseeing any ressurrect/reclaim and/or label/chat. sorry for my late ingame response to the stupid drama. 3 yea. i was 1 air vs 3 (and nobody even tried to make static AA despite lables/chat begging to do so) and therefore pretty busy not overseeing any ressurrect/reclaim and/or label/chat. sorry for my late ingame response to the stupid drama.
4 \n 4 \n
5 can we just remove resurrect till this is solved on a technical basis (or till forever)? 5 can we just remove resurrect till this is solved on a technical basis (or till forever)?
6 \n
7 can we technically prevent reclaiming allied nanoframes while these are being built?