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Optimal Rover Squads guide link

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/25/2021 3:28:36 AMUSrankQrow before revert after revert
Before After
1 [q]Optimality is such a strong claim [/q] 1 [q]Optimality is such a strong claim [/q]
2 \n 2 \n
3 Hard agree. 3 Hard agree.
4 \n 4 \n
5 [q](Wait, is "strong claim" a good thing or a bad thing?) [/q] 5 [q](Wait, is "strong claim" a good thing or a bad thing?) [/q]
6 [q]"Roleplay" [/q] 6 [q]"Roleplay" [/q]
7 \n 7 \n
8 Guides rarely hold up under the pressure of real world environments and matches. For instance, the setups that you provide here might be achievable in large teams (where you have prep time) but not in a 1v1 or small teams setting. 8 Guides rarely hold up under the pressure of real world environments and matches. For instance, the setups that you provide here might be achievable in large teams (where you have prep time) but not in a 1v1 or small teams setting.
9 \n 9 \n
10 My best advice is that instead of focusing on formations and such, you focus on use cases and use real examples in order to demonstrate how to find the unit that's best for the use case, and how to use it effectively. ( Trust me, we see this stuff all the time over in SSBU as well. ) 10 My best advice is that instead of focusing on formations and such, you focus on use cases and use real examples in order to demonstrate how to find the unit that's best for the use case, and how to use it effectively. Trust me, we see this stuff all the time over in SSBU as well when people make guides, and it's just learning how to teach effectively. Don't ever feel bad for having to revise lessons or guides.
11 \n 11 \n
12 [q]...and actually move at domi speed rather than being substantially slower (requiring lots of micro to prevent Domis getting out of the shield).[/q] 12 [q]...and actually move at domi speed rather than being substantially slower (requiring lots of micro to prevent Domis getting out of the shield).[/q]
13 \n 13 \n
14 Does anyone actually use alt move anymore? 14 Does anyone actually use alt move anymore?