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[q]States still broken, AA never retreats, will just forward and suicide
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[q]States still broken, AA never retreats, will just forward and suicide
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Guard is now removed?[/q]
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Guard is now removed?[/q]
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Afaict these are features. No more UnitAI for anything, no more states abuse for anything.
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Afaict these are features. No more UnitAI for anything, no more states abuse for anything.
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Default states seem to influence some things though, e.g. Widows always start on hold fire. IMO that is a bug, everything should be fire at will.
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Default states seem to influence some things though, e.g. Widows always start on hold fire. IMO that is a bug, everything should be fire at will.
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[q]as above, dampener and punisher broke, freezes on field, unshootable, unreclaimable.[/q]
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[q]as above, dampener and punisher broke, freezes on field, unshootable, unreclaimable.[/q]
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Script error when killed
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Script error when killed
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[q]One other thing of note, as income is now no longer equal to units placed, the start of matches is very dull, as everyone hangs around their base, ecoing up until all the mexes are lvl 3. [/q]
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Yes :(