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B1196550 21 on Comet Catcher Redux v3.1 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/16/2021 9:16:20 PMunknownrankTinySpider before revert after revert
9/16/2021 9:14:58 PMunknownrankTinySpider before revert after revert
Before After
1 [q]You would immediately lose the rank if you were to play 1v1[/q] 1 [q]You would immediately lose the rank if you were to play 1v1[/q]
2 No shit, I never played 1v1. In team games I am the reason my team wins most of the time, hence high rank. That's how the system works and the entire point of my argument, it needs separate ladder where 1v1 doesn't influence team game balance. 2 No shit, I never played 1v1. In team games I am the reason my team wins most of the time, hence high rank. That's how the system works and the entire point of my argument, it needs separate ladder where 1v1 doesn't influence team game balance.
3 \n 3 \n
4 I could completely legally go play casual 1v1 games right now, dumbster my entire casual rank since I don't know how to win those, and then stomp team games back to purple and ruin match after match due to awful balance. 4 I could completely legally go play casual 1v1 games right now, dumbster my entire casual rank since I don't know how to win those, and then stomp team games back to purple and ruin match after match due to awful balance.
5 \n
6 Same with FFA games, I could go and play FFA games and lose every single time since I never played them, come back to teams with easy mode balance.