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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/1/2022 1:46:31 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]I think there is value in a post so others can see the answer.[/quote] 1 [quote]I think there is value in a post so others can see the answer.[/quote]
2 There is certainly more value in this thread than there was in the complaint on Discord which preceded it. 2 There is certainly more value in this thread than there was in the complaint on Discord which preceded it.
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4 That having been said, even after asking a question directly to the moderators, the relevant information can still be posted publicly by the moderators or the person asking (as appropriate), so others will still see the answer. 4 That having been said, even after asking a question directly to the moderators, the relevant information can still be posted publicly by the moderators or the person asking (as appropriate), so others will still see the answer.
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6 If you ask directly first, then the situation is less likely to result in drama and conflict. 6 A large advantage of asking first is that the situation is less likely to result in drama and conflict.